
A dilbo-EE performing NS in Bintulu logs work and after-work activity for project-record purposes and posterity.

Monday, June 30, 2003

MRR Module 1 electrical progress today:

-Heat tracing cables labelled, meggered, continuity checked from distribution JB to thermostat JBs
-Window shopped at Medan Jaya for cheapo communist bicycles to travel MLNG's mammoth site faster instead of on foot
-Re-applied to attend SG13 courses via Buzz; who will be back Jul 3.
-E-mailed various MLNG staff for Module 1-3 electrical single line diagrams and electrical/instrument/process operting manuals

MGGPillai mentioned in his article (see link below) that DBKL has a famous author among their roadsweepers. Interestingly, 2 years ago I remember getting lost on Jln Ampamg looking for Akedemi Seni Kebangsaan & stopped to desperately ask a DBKL roadsweeper. He gave excellent directions in with a friendly smile; perfect spoken English. That guy could've been him. In Bintulu you'd be lucky to find a local in town who can speak English. But interestingly, most Bintulu public libraries have an excellent collection of Chinese literature. Unfortunately I can't read Chinese characters. The Dilbo engineer in me tells me not to fret; someday I'd be able to carry a handheld scanner that could translate Chinese text on the fly.

Sunday, June 29, 2003

MGGPillai posted a very good article yesterday at http://mggpillai.com/article.php3?sid=1706 ; on reading habits of Malaysians. I bought Lord of The Rings in, like, May, and am only at the part where Frodo runs into Tom Bombadil. I think it's slower going that David Eddings' books because the characters seem too innocent. Silk, Velvet, and yes, even Garion were somehow a lot more curious and interesting.
MRR Module 1 progress thus far:

-intro to staff Shawn "Buzz" Shircliffe, Aban Slie, Hitoshi Chikayasu, Ibrahim Siji. (Salim Hashim was on board a month earlier.)
-located ("eyeballed") 10 of 59 motors being overhauled/installed
-HSE induction
-Chika & Aban showed me the electrochlorination transformers' location in anticipation for oil change by vendor tomorrow. They're a good 5-10 minute drive from Module 1, which translates into a 30 minute walk. Only 1 of the 4 transformers will be have an oil change by the Mitsubishi representative. If the 1st transformer oik change results in a safely operating transformer, our contractor Rotary will perform the oil change for the remaining 3. Buzz did not approve the Mitsubishi rep's procedure because the transformer spec plate stated NA for oil change, but Owmer overrided him & thus our job is now to just observe the rep perform the oil change at the manufacturer/Owner's risk.

A cabin to sit in came in the past week. Module 1 itself is a 10 minute walk from the MRR cabin area. No phones or computers yet. have to e-mail from home. Another disadvantage of MRR relative to the slugcatcher project is that no photos/cameras/phones allowed. And no vehicles allowed unless I get a temporary daily permit, which I have to queue up for. Might shop for a bicycle tomorrow after work.

MRR working hours are very tiring; M-F 6.30am-5.45pm, with a 12-12.45 lunchbreak; Sa 6.30am-2pm with no lunchbreak. I seem to be dozing off in the office for lack of sleep, heat and longdistance walks. The corroding bolt painting effort resulted in a dark tan on the arms & neck. I also have a light patch where my watch and hardhat goes.

Saturday was a movie day; saw both Charlie's Angels & The Hulk at Sky Cineplex. It was a good Sunday today; practised almost all useful pieces. The Grease "Summer Nights" playalong went exceptionally well, and got in an hour of swimming, squash, basketball combined. Some small boys came to hijack my ball for a while. Sat back, stretching while amusedly watching their unstructured play. I think they threw higher than I did when I was their age.

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